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Creating a Job

Create and edit jobs scheduled for your clients and dispatch them to your employees

Written by CustomerBase Dev Team
Updated over a week ago

Here is a step-by-step guide to:

Adding a Job

Creating jobs is a vital tool for your business. A list of jobs will allow you to organize and manage your workflow, as well as monitor the statuses of your jobs to make sure everything is done in accordance with the schedule.

Before you start, make sure that you have the 'Jobs' page enabled. To enable the 'Jobs' mode go to your company profile by selecting 'Settings' -> 'Accounts & Billing' -> 'Business Info'. Check the 'Jobs' box at the bottom of the page and click on 'Save'. Now the 'Jobs' section will be displayed on the left-side menu.

Once the 'Jobs' mode is enabled, go to the 'Jobs' section and click on 'Add Job':

Alternatively, you may click on the plus sign button in the top right corner and select 'Job' in the drop-down menu:

A pop-up window with a short form for a new job will appear:

To fill out the form, select a customer from your list of customers using a search tool.
Assign the job to your employees by selecting them from the list of employees.

There can be more than one employee dispatched for a job:

Put in the time and date for the job appointment and press 'Apply':

Enter a title for the job. Please note that this field as well as the customer information field can't be left blank. You may also add a tag and description for the job.

Once you press on 'Save', the job will be created and notifications will be sent to the customer and the employees assigned to the job. You can now see the newly created job on the 'Jobs' page:

The jobs on the page will be sorted by the due date, but can also be filtered by their status (as well as title, customer, and assigned employees) in alphabetical order if you click on the name of the appropriate field.

Editing the job

To edit a job, just click anywhere on the line with the relevant job in the list:

In the new window, you will see a list of scheduled jobs on the left and the selected job detailed form. The form displays the job's status, scheduled time, and date. There are also four status tabs ('On my way', 'Start', 'Finish', and 'Cancel'):

Clicking on the tabs allows you to change the job status and notify your customer via email or text message, or both. You can set up notification message templates in the settings menu. [link to an article on templates]:

The customer field of the form has shortcuts to the customer's contact information so you could reach them by making a call or sending a message, as well as view their address on Google Maps.

Adding items

To add items that will appear on invoices or estimates, click on the 'Add item':

Select an item from your price list or enter a new item manually (check out our article on how to add items to your price list):

You can also specify if the item is taxable, select the applicable tax or tax groups (learn more in our article on how to set tax rates), or set the tax rate manually:

After you enter all relevant items, you may choose to add a discount for your client, and set a deposit payment:

To add a discount, click on the '+ Discount' and enter the discount value either in USD or percentage rate. You can add multiple discounts for the job. When done, click on 'Update':

The same applies to the deposit payment. It can be set by clicking on '+ Deposit'. Enter the deposit value and specify the payment due date:

The detailed job form also includes an 'Attach Files' button for any documents relevant to the job (e.g. installation guides). There is also a field for adding notes to your employees. Unlike attached files, notes are for internal use only and won't be visible on invoices or estimates sent to your customers.

Finally, an activity log allows you to trace all the actions made within the form by the employees:

Processing payments

Once a deposit for the job or the job itself is paid, go to the 'Pay' icon in the top right corner:

Select the payment method (by card, cash, check, or other methods) and click on 'Pay'. If the job form included a deposit payment, the remaining amount will be shown in the payment form.

There is a checkbox for the customer to be notified when the payment is accepted (the box is checked by default).

You can also select an invoice for the payment, send a receipt to any email, and add a note for the customer.

Adding invoices and other actions

Invoices for each payment are generated automatically, however, they can be added manually by clicking on the 'Invoice' button in the top right corner:

Press 'Add new' in a new window:

The data from the job form will be converted to an invoice that can be sent to the customer.

To learn more about adding and managing invoices see our article 'Creating Invoices'.

The job form allows assigning tasks related to the job to your employees.
Click on the 'Add Task' icon in the top right corner:

The task types include doing the job, emailing, or calling the customer:

Finally, to edit the job name, convert the data from the job form to an estimate, clone or delete the job, click on the 'More' icon in the top right corner and select the relevant section of the drop-down menu:

See also: Adding Estimates [link]

Job Statuses [link]

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